From Iowa State – A guide to understanding the business of farmland leases – compares and contrasts different leasing models (link)
Oregon State University Small Farm Extension offers this piece on general considerations for leasing, including pricing (link)
Oregon State University Small Farms School Presentation on Land Leasing and Purchasing, coordinated by Friends of Family Farmers (link)
A Toolbox for Leasing Farmland from Land for Good, which includes links for sample leases (link)
This ATTRA publication, “Finding Land to Farm: Six Ways to Secure Farmland” covers a variety of ways to lease or own farmland (link)
UVM Extension’s New Farmer Project offers this article about two online tools for evaluating farmland rental rates. (link)
Article from On Pasture discussing pasture rental rates by county using 2016 NASS-USDA data (link)
You can also look directly at the NASS-USDA data on average land lease rates by county (link)
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach provides tools for computing a pasture rental rate (link)
This draft lease agreement provides more detail on addressing specific farm practices (link)
Land For Good also offers a build-a-lease tool (link)
California Farm Link’s basic lease template. They advise always working with a professional to adapt it to specific uses. (link)
Farm Lease Builder Tool from the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems (link)
This document from Land For Good offers good advice on Evaluating Farms – what to consider and how to get help. (link)
National Young Farmers Coalition offers this checklist for preparing to meet with a lender when considering purchasing land. (link)
This article from Mother Earth News focuses on questions to ask when purchasing farmland. (link)
A 52-page guide for landowners considering leasing their land for farming from Land For Good (link)
A short guide on farmland leasing for landowners by Land for Good (link)
The Landholder Toolshed at California Farmlink offers a wealth of resources on leasing, conservation easements and working with service providers. (link)
Friends of Family Farmers provides these resources solely for educational purposes. Friends of Family Farmers neither favors nor endorses any of the organizations listed on this website, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed on the hyperlinked external sites.
UVM Extension’s New Farmer Project offers this article about two online tools for evaluating farmland rental rates. (link)
The Landholder Toolshed at California Farmlink offers a wealth of resources on leasing, conservation easements and working with service providers. (link)
This document from Land For Good offers good advice on Evaluating Farms – what to consider and how to get help. (link)
Mission aligned lenders can provide loans to nonprofits and for-profits with a commitment to creating long-term beneficial change. (read more)
Friends of Family Farmers provides these resources solely for educational purposes. Friends of Family Farmers neither favors nor endorses any of the organizations listed on this website, nor are they responsible for any incorrect information that is listed on the hyperlinked external sites.